Monday, January 9, 2012


And no. I didn't just sing that. For the people's sake. And the window's sake. And my sake. I don't wanna have to clean up tiny pieces of glass! Although, it would give me an excuse to wear bandaids around my finger.. Eh. Since when have I needed an excuse?!

I meant to post something the day after Christmas, but I didn't. Then I meant to post something on New Year's Eve/Day, but I didn't. So this will be me making up for it!

Christmas was a blast. I only had to do a tiny bit of Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve instead of all of it. That was huge improvement.
My bestest gift that I got this Christmas was Zumba! (A game for the Xbox.)
One of these days I will be able to move my hips in a more natural way and my mom will actually follow what's happening on the screen instead of making up her own moves and telling me about the dance competitions that she was in, back in the day.

Oh, I also got some scented nail polish! Nerds flavor. It's pretty cool.. I love it! Except, the smell goes away after a few hours. :(

Today I realized that I haven't made any New Year's resolutions! So I'll just come up with a few on the spot:
1. Continue getting closer to the Lord.
2. Play Zumba everyday and keep dreaming about being able to move those hips!
3. Not wait until Thursday to do my Friday co-op's homework. (My dad read me Science today, so I've already started that one!)
4. Blog something at least once a week! (Resolutions are always more like wishes anyway, right?)

Emelie and I got to meet Justin Bieber!!
I wish I had had my JB stickers with me. That way, I would have been able to stick one his forehead.

I asked him if he could maybe change his facial expression.. The answer was no. 
Then I asked if I could hug him and make a creepy face. He said yes. 

1 comment:

  1. I never got an email notification for this post...anyway. YOU NEVER NEED AN EXCUSE FOR UHM... Band-Aids. I'm trying to post more often on my blog too. I feel like I need pictures to post something, but I don't... I need to get over that, man.

    I love you, Bieber. (He still creeps me out.)
