Thursday, December 20, 2012

DUCK FACE EMOTICON (they need one)

It's that time of the year again!! procrastinate your Christmas shopping 'till Christmas Eve, to make your little brother decorate the tree all by himself, to give up diets all together and eat whatever sweets are set in front of you, and to receive family photos from people you don't even recognize.

Oh yeah, it's also time for Texas to be on her period. Like, seriously. Her weather is so moody. Last night I tweeted a tweet on twitter complaining that I had to turn on my fan to go to sleep. This morning I brought out the heating pad, hot cocoa, and Ramen (I also brought out the chocolate I got from church last night and ate it all in one sitting, but that has nothing to do with Texas' period).

Today I've been attempting to memorize my speeches for this Alabama tournament I'm going to in a couple weeks. I considered not putting that on my blog 'cause Imma try to surprise someone by showing up, however she doesn't read this anyway. And she's too dumb to check the registration checklist and see that I'm going. HAH. She's slow.

Speaking of slow people, my other slow friend MADE ME A FANPAGE.
Yeah. 'cause I obvs have a ton of fans out there.
If you're reading this, you might be one of them. So to see it, click here.
Of course, there was a GOOD REASON for that chica (hah. get it? 'cause I'm Mexican) to create me a fanpage other than collecting all my dumb sayings/unattractive pictures in one area that she could have used for blackmail.
..wait, no. That's pretty much the main reason.

Well sir, I shall go find something else sweet to eat. That is way more important to me than making this blog post any longer than it already is.


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