Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Us girls, we think we're unique and different from every other girl on this planet. Which makes us exactly the same.

That's encouraging, right? But it's so true. Girls either think that every guy likes them, or that every guy should like them. This makes girls hate each other because of how jealous we get when a guy likes another girl. Even when we didn't like that guy in the first place. Which in turn creates a lot of drama and cat fights.

Like many other people I know, depending on where I'm at or which activity I'm involved in, I have different "clans" of friends who live totally different lives. For example, my church friends, whom I usually see twice a week, act like Christians and usually encourage others. I have my home schooled co-op friends whom I see once a week. Most of them act like the "cool" homeschoolers. My speech and debate friends are only seen during tournament season and even then, maybe once a month. They are also all homeschoolers but many of them lean on the more "dorky/nerdy" side. These sheltered people can sometimes tend to shun the world out and give up the chance of sharing their beliefs with them. Then there are my public schooled friends who I know from several different places. I'm not saying any of this to offend anybody. I LOVE all of my friends. I am just trying to prove my point that people are different.

Depending on who I am hanging out with, I even act differently. When with church friends, I'm usually being encouraged or uplifted. When with my public schooled friends, I try to BE the encouraging one.

Recently, I pretty much attempted hanging out with TWO different "clans" or "groups" at ONE time. It didn't quite go as smoothly as I had hoped. So, if you haven't already noticed, we (girls) hate each other. I mean think about it. There has to be at least two girls in your life that you're annoyed with. Maybe because you're jealous of the attention she gets or the privileges she has. Whatever the case, you simply don't like her. But you might still pretend you wanna be her "BFF" because she has something to offer. I know I've definitely done that before. It makes it ten times harder to stay away from that girl.

Anyway, my two different groups, who were mostly girls mind you, didn't quite want to "link" together. So, I ended up going back and forth! Which was stupid of me. I should have tried my best to find something in common between them and talk about it in front of both groups so they could get a conversation going. BUT I didn't. Nope. Instead I hung out with one group at a time. When hanging out with Group One, we had a great time and laughed at each other's corny jokes. Then they started talking bad about Group Two. I agreed with a couple things they said because, well, it was true. But then I also stood up for Group Two by trying to steal their shoes and sticking them on Group One's feet. Which didn't really work because they all had different sizes. Since the shoes didn't quite fit, I felt bad for Group Two since Group One didn't fully understand. That's when I would switch over to Group Two and start hanging out with them. We had fun too! Not by laughing at corny jokes, because none were presented. Instead, we made fun of "the nameless person" and laughed about it 'cause that's how we role. Then after a while of hangin' with Group Two, I'd feel bad for leaving Group One and would switch over again. That's when the circle was completed and it started all over again. I lost count of how many circles I had made. It was ridiculous. And quite annoying. Circles are boring and super hard to make perfect unless you use a tool of some sort which I didn't have. So all my circles were crooked and uneven. Squares would have been easier except for the fact that I'd need two more groups and that's just too many people to please at one time. Triangles would have needed three groups which would have been a little easier, but still a difficult task to accomplish.

You're probably wondering if there's a lesson to all this. I'll try my best to come up with a few good ones. :)

Lesson 1. Try not to make corny jokes about corn. Corn is gross. Plus it's just never funny anyway.

Lesson 2. If you girls are gonna wear peace signs everywhere, don't be a hypocrite. Actually mean it. No, I'm not the kind of person who has peace sign stuff, but I still should have actually tried to bring my two groups together instead of wishing I was a mutant who could be at two places at once. As it turns out, the only real person in X-Men is Wolverine. But he got tired of living forever and put all his life time in a bank. Which is why they're making the movie In Time.

Lesson 3. For all those sheltered homeschoolers who try to ignore the fact that the world exists, how do you think you're gonna share the gospel to those who actually need it it if you're shunning them from your friends list? Well, they don't necessarily need to be your friend, but YOU need to be THEIR friend.

Lesson 4. We need encouragement. No matter what "group" you're from, if you're a girl then you're gonna need encouragement. It doesn't' help when we have cat fights with each other. It does help (somewhat) when we're smart enough to realize that the Goldfish is taken and there are more and better fish in the sea anyway. Actually, you don't even have to go the sea. You can go to Wal-Mart! The Glowfish are cool but be prepared for them to try to have babies. Then, they die on you.
In other words, don't name them. That makes it ten times worse. If you wanna feel really bad about them dying, you might as well just forget their name. So it's better to not name your fish.. Just sayin'.

Challenge: Always try to be encouraging and uplifting. Especially to girls. You never know what one might be going through. Also, look at what you have right in front of you. You, YOU are a Princess, made in the image of your Father because your Father is the King of Kings! I know, cheesy right? But it's true. Don't look at the grass on the other side of the fence. Unless you live where I do. The grass on the other side is usually so green, long, and thick. Then the guy will mow it, then we'll go over to pick up what used to be called "grass" but is now called "hay" to give it to our rabbits. Even though hay is apparently for horses. 0_o


  1. You are one smart cookie Jewels! You are an encouraging friend :) Good job for the post! :) I love you and miss you so much! :D

  2. I sort of laughed. But only a little.. well done juls. ;)

    The nerdy dorky, sheltered, speech and debate homeschooler.

  3. This is one serious post from a not-so-serious girl. I like it. nom nom nom
